Little Squeaker Shoes!
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#300 Jellie Squeaky shoes
#300 above price is $6.99. Sizes 10/11, 12, 4/5, 6/7, 8/9
Little Squeaker shoes below are canvas material with lace and flowers embroidered on them.  They come in pink, red and maroon colors. The price on the shoes will be $10.99.  They let you hear where your children are playing and help you have a sense of peace while your busy getting supper, etc.  **(The shoe colors are bright pink, bright red and bright maroon.)**
**Ask me about sizes available.  Have 2, 4, 6, and 8 and a few in between.  Email me at for sizes available.** 
Below - Bright pink/lacy squeaky shoes - $10.99.
Below - Red lace squeaky shoes $10.99.
Below - mauve lace squeaky shoes - $10.99.

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